Sunday, December 10, 2017



Minister in the Presidency Jeff Radebe.
The South African Post Office will handle core functions of a new social grants system, while commercial banks will play an increased, direct role for more than 2 million beneficiaries.
The inter-ministerial committee on social security, headed by Minister Jeff Radebe, announced on Sunday that a "landmark" deal had been signed with SAPO to handle core functions of a new system.
The deal was signed on Thursday, December 7, and emphasises the hybrid nature of the new model, but with the Post Office providing the following:
- central holding account for electronic services
- on-boarding of new beneficiaries
- biometric authentication
- develop IT system
It will also provide cash pay points at its outlets.
The Post Office does not have exclusive rights over the system, however.
Radebe announced that there will be an increased role for commercial banks and retailers, to give beneficiaries more choice.
For the more than 2 million people who receive their grants electronically, the money will be deposited directly into their commercial bank accounts from January 1, 2018.
Beneficiary account details have been verified and reconciled by Sassa.
A special, low cost bank account is also being developed for those who want to move over to the banking sector, rather than rely on the Post Office or cash payments.
The current Sassa card, provided by Grindrod Bank, has been extended by one year, and will not expire in December 2017.
Cash payments delivered in rural areas for 2.9 million people (29%) will continue to use the current cash payment method.
Incumbent service provider Cash Paymaster Services will not have direct control over this process come April 1, 2018.
Sassa will go out on tender to find a new service provider to handle the cash payments portion of the grant system.
A communication plan has also been developed which will utilise broadcast, social media, government channels and media networks to communicate the message to the public


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